Home Health Aide
Who is a Home Health Aide?
A certified Home Health Aide (HHA) delivers care for elders and adults in need in their homes to make them feel comfortable. A health aide can be a companion to the senior citizens and help them live their days with ease by skimping on the transition and disruption of moving to a senior living camp or retirement community. The Home health aides at Caregivers have licensed health professionals, who are highly trained and experienced. They are at your service to work with elders to retain their independence & comfort to assure that necessary daily needs are met. They use transparent communication with the patient and their families to build a strong bond and help the patient not isolate themselves, which can result in a positive outcome for the patient’s rapid recovery.

When to Look for a Home Health Aide?
Signs and indications for when you need a Home Health Aide (HHA);
- Exhaustion and Physical Soreness
- Mobility Issues
- Sudden Weight loss
- Poor Personal Hygiene
- Cannot Leave Their House without helped
- Worried about Health or Independence
- Reduced or Limited Attention to Daily Care
- Do not do things they love anymore
- Difficulty Maintaining the Medication
- Stress or Cognitive or Emotional Dysfunction
- Suffering From One or More Serious Disease
- Forgetfulness and Confusion
Services Included in Home Health Aides
Personal Care Assistance
A personal care aide helps the patient with basic life skills like walking, bathing, brushing, grooming, helping them use the toilet, using the lift, hair care, skin care, bed positioning, few motion exercises, and making sure with time they regain their independence.
Meal Planning and Preparation
If a client is paralyzed, has arthritis, or has dementia, cooking can be really unsafe for them. A home health aide helps with cooking so the patient has home-cooked food to stay healthy and have a diverse diet.
Medication Reminders
A person with many diseases needs to have timely medicine and it becomes hard to keep a track of what medicine to have at what time. A home health aide guarantees to set reminders and make sure that the person has their medicine on time as prescribed.
A personal care aide ensures that the house is livable and in a good state for the patient to breathe free. When a health aide takes up daily responsibilities the family focuses on spending time with loved ones.

Home Health Aide's Duties & Responsibilities
Home health aide’s duties may include:
- Helping the patients with personal activities, such as brushing, bathing, dressing and grooming
- Going out for grocery shopping
- Minimum housekeeping, such as, washing dishes and changing the bed linens
- Providing transportation services at the time of doctor’s appointments
- Planning, preparing or serving timely meals.
- Regulating and filing the client’s condition, involves checking vital signs or keeping a note of how much they ate
- Helping the patient use the toilet
- Giving the patient medication reminders
Facilities Available in Home Health Aide Services
At Caregivers, we provide home health aides (HHA) as nursing and residential care facilities, and social assistance to the elders and others in need. A personal aide will work under the guidance of a certified nurse, physical therapist, or medical social worker. The supervisor will guide with the information on when to visit the patients and what services to offer. Examples of home health care services that the aide may perform add to checking the patient’s vital signs such as temperature, pulse, and respiration rate, guiding them with simple exercises, and assisting the patient get in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, and grooming. They also can change non-sterile dressings, provide skin care, give massages and assist with artificial limbs. With add-on training given by CareGivers, the aides may assist with medical equipment, such as ventilators. A personal care aide may also help with daily living activities, including housework, preparation of food, running errands, grocery shopping, using a mobile, and entertaining patients by talking, reading, or playing games.
Frequently Asked Questions
Personal care assistance, meal planning & preparation, medication reminders, and housekeeping.
Yes, Caregivers is well equipped and we are specialized in providing customized health care services to your loved ones in the comfort of your home.
Our staff undergoes intensive training and we do not invade the privacy of patients and their families. We take extensive care of our patients and maintain confidentiality.
All you have to do is book an appointment with us at your comfort space and suitable timings and we will be at your doorstep to serve you.
Yes, when a patient registers with us, we maintain complete confidentiality and do not give out any information to anyone.